12. day 57 km (in total 462 km)
30.6.2011 21.07.21

I woke up at 7AM, when sun hit the tent and the temperature jumped high. Hearty breakfast and then starting with a longish crossing. It took nearly 4 hours to reach Kirjais, where I had the first break, lunch break at local restaurant. How delicious the salmon and new potatoes tasted! During the crossing wind was blowing from tail and not too strong. Nice paddling weather still.

After lunch, I headed towards Nauvo village and after 1,5 hours paddling arrived to my second break today. I did some shopping from grocery store and bought local bread, some yoghurt, cheese and ice cream.


Just a few kilometers north from Nauvo, locates the island called Seili. It was famous in 16th century, when it was acting as a leprosy hospital and afterwards as a lunatic hospital. All patients who came to Seili also died here, altogether 663 people. Because of it was so close I decided to visit the island and do sightseeing walk there. 


In the evening there were still 2 hours paddling left and I needed to cross a waterway of big ferries to Turku harbor. Just when I arrived nearby there were rush hour ongoing. 3 big passenger ferries, Silja Line & Viking Line & Tallink were going to Turku and at the same time 3 big cargo ships were on the waterway as well. I had to wait half an hour, before I was able to cross the waterway. 

Tietoja reitistä

Sijainti Sandön, Dragsfjärd - Montti, Rymättylä
Laji Melonta
Reitin pituus 56,78 km   ( 56780 m )
Kokonaisaika 12:22:40
Keskinopeus 5 km/h
Syke Max: - Avg: -
Reittiä katsottu 4121 kertaa

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