13. day 32 km (in total 494 km)
1.7.2011 16.06.40

I woke up at night many times, because of powerful thunderstorm was passing by. It was raining heavily and storm was loud, couldn't sleep too much. Fortunately it didn't last till morning and I was able to eat breakfast and pack my stuff in a sunshine. Although weather forecast was warning about thunderstorms and therefore I decided to choose a route very close to the islands, just in case I would need to land if thunderstorm would be hitting during my paddling.


I had lunch break at Velkua after 3 hours paddling in a sunshine and mild tailwind. Last stretch to Mussalo camping area took roughly 3 hours as well. Now I'm going to have 1 week break from Finnish coastline paddling, because tomorrow I'm going to head onto a Kökar archipelago at Åland. I'm leading a paddling trip of paddling club Vihuri, which is active 400+ member club in Tampere. The group of paddlers are going to paddle 1 week on the waters of Kökar and I'll be continuing my coastline paddling trip on 9th or 10th of July from here (Mussalo). Stay tuned...


Let's continue about the equipment I'll have with me.


In a cockpit I'll have 10 liter water-bag just behind my seat and sponge to take small amount of water away from the cockpit. Spraydeck covers the cockpit and prevents water to get in to cockpit. I'm wearing life jacket and it's pockets you can find whistle, hand-held compass, sunglasses, camera in a waterproof case, emergency flares, something to eat during the paddle and 2 liter water-bag to drink during paddling.


In front cargo hatch I'm having every item I could need during the day of paddling. In such a way I only need to open front hatch, when having e.g. lunch breaks. The items include: 3 liter water-bag, laptop + electrical items in a water-proof case, 1 bag of clothes in a water-proof case, first aid kit, gas cooker and gas container, thermos, 2 bags of food, dishes & other items needed for eating, shoes, 1 water-proof case of personal hygienic items like toothbrush & toothpaste & sunscreen & lipstick, etc...


Rear cargo hatch has then the items needed only when camping in the evening. Those include tent in a water-proof case, Sleeping bag + sleeping mattress + pillow in a water-proof case, 1 bag of clothes in a water-proof case, 1 bag of food, extra gas containers, cockpit cover, towline, additional groundsheet protector for tent, extra maps in a water-proof case and a repair kit (for kayak, sleeping mattress, dry suit, etc...). 

Tietoja reitistä

Sijainti Montti, Rymättylä - Mussalo, Taivassalo
Laji Melonta
Reitin pituus 32,42 km   ( 32424 m )
Kokonaisaika 06:37:22
Keskinopeus 5 km/h
Syke Max: - Avg: -
Reittiä katsottu 4873 kertaa

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