28. day 36 km (in total 1192 km)
24.7.2011 20.02.57

There were thunderstorms in the morning all around our camping place. It was raining and we had to wait until 10 AM before we dared to start to paddle 9 km crossing to Hailuoto island. We managed to reach Hailuoto and started the second crossing, which was around 12 km. Immediately we had to reroute and paddle closer to shore, because one of those thunderstorms was getting closer. Barely we managed to go ashore and get some shelter, before the storm hit. It took 1,5 hours and then we decided to start the second crossing again. During the crossing we got heavy rainshowers and were completely wet when arrived to ferry harbor at Hailuoto.


We had pizza for the lunch at local cafe, although it was already at 4 PM and decided to continue further. What a mistake! Soon we started another storm came and we were already paddling 9 km crossing to next islands. The wind increased, waves were getting bigger and bigger, rain showers were so intense that visibility was lost. It took from us all the focus and skill to survive safely 9 km crossing in such conditions. I really don't want to experience similar conditions anymore...


Now we are at Hietakari having well deserved rest after awful day.

Tietoja reitistä

Sijainti Varessäikkä, Siikajoki - Hietakari, Haukipudas
Laji Melonta
Reitin pituus 35,66 km   ( 35664 m )
Kokonaisaika 09:40:00
Keskinopeus 4 km/h
Syke Max: - Avg: -
Reittiä katsottu 4224 kertaa

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