4. day 43 km (in total 125 km)
22.6.2011 23.30.17

Wake up already at 4AM and paddling started at 4:30 due to milder wind during early morning. The wind was still blowing from SW and were headwind all the day. I paddled 5 hours and took a long lunch and rest break during 12AM - 6PM. The wind was strongest at that time and there were no sense to try to do multiple 5-6 km crossing. In the evening I passed by Loviisa nuclear plant and completed paddling just before midnight. Now I'm having a well deserved rest...

Tietoja reitistä

Sijainti Svartbäck Krokö, Pyhtää - Kabböle, Pernaja
Laji Melonta
Reitin pituus 43,46 km   ( 43462 m )
Kokonaisaika 18:57:36
Keskinopeus 2 km/h
Syke Max: - Avg: -
Reittiä katsottu 3365 kertaa

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