8. day 39 km (in total 288 km)
26.6.2011 16.29.56

Wake up was already 5 AM due to weather forecast. After sleeping only few hours my body was feeling tired already in the start. But the wind was gone. Instead there were fog and 6:30 we headed towards Porkkalanniemi and Rönnskär island, which is military area. The island has daymark called Rönnskär, which have been earlier lighthouse. We passed the daymark, but couldn't land and visit the island, because we didn't have permit to enter military area.

Just a bit over two hours paddling to the sea and we arrived onto a remote rocks having Porkkala lighthouse. It's located in a restricted area (seal protection area) and need a permit to visit there. We had acquired a permit before and were able to visit this beautiful and remote lighthouse now!!!! This was the absolute highlite of the trip so far...

Wind was increasing in the afternoon and we managed to paddle back to archipelago of Inkoo just in two and a half hours.

Due to a sunny day and early wake up we put our camp already at 4 PM at Stora Fagerö island, rested and enjoyed the rest of the day.

Tietoja reitistä

Sijainti Lähteelä, Kirkkonummi - Stora Fagerö, Inkoo
Laji Melonta
Reitin pituus 39,07 km   ( 39067 m )
Kokonaisaika 09:56:37
Keskinopeus 4 km/h
Syke Max: - Avg: -
Reittiä katsottu 4130 kertaa

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