19. day 35 km (in total 802 km)
15.7.2011 18.26.32
The day was sunny, but windy. Wind was coming from east and in gusts I had to paddle with all my power. I tried to find a place to have lunch, but there aren't actually good spots in this part of coast. All shores are rocky or there are houses / cottages. Therefore I decided to have lunch at Moikipää, where I landed next to restaurant at 2 PM. The pizza tasted heavenly delicious. I decided to camp nearby and rest the rest of the day. Tomorrow I'll try to reach Vaasa, hopefully wind is not that strong anymore.
Tietoja reitistä
Sijainti |
Horsstenarna, Närpiö - Moikipää, Korsnäs |
Laji |
Melonta |
Reitin pituus |
35,00 km ( 34998 m ) |
Kokonaisaika |
10:31:46 |
Keskinopeus |
3 km/h |
Syke |
Max: - Avg: - |
Reittiä katsottu |
4071 kertaa |
Korkeusprofiili(Kartalle pistettä klikkaamalla)
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