20. day 56 km (in total 858 km)
17.7.2011 0.08.48
It had been raining during the night, but morning were cloudy without raindrops. I started at half past eight and headed towards north. The wind was mild and coming from SW, which was excellent for long crossings between Moikipää and Raippaluoto. I felt quite strong today due to shorter day yesterday and paddled 3-4 hours stretches. I had lunch after 12 AM and it started to rain heavily. I was completely wet and it lasted roughly 3 hours.The visibility was poor, but I managed to reach Raippaluoto harbor at 4:30 PM. It was great to see magnificent Raippaluoto bridge and realize I made it.
During the heavy rain the minigrip bag in the pocket of life vest was leaking and when I was trying to take a picture of bridge my camera was not functioning at all. It was completely wet. I have tried to dry it up, but without success. So it means this blog will be without photos from now on.
Minna, who was paddling with me during mid-summer 3 days joined again from Raippaluoto harbor and it is nice to have company. Paddling alone is really lonesome activity.
Tietoja reitistä
Sijainti |
Moikipää, Korsnäs - Korsören, Mustasaari |
Laji |
Melonta |
Reitin pituus |
55,95 km ( 55947 m ) |
Kokonaisaika |
15:39:54 |
Keskinopeus |
4 km/h |
Syke |
Max: - Avg: - |
Reittiä katsottu |
3928 kertaa |
Korkeusprofiili(Kartalle pistettä klikkaamalla)
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