23. day 46 km (in total 992 km)
19.7.2011 20.51.45

1000 km milestone is getting closer and closer. Now we are nearby Kokkola city in Poroluoto island. There are "wilderness" hut and sauna located at this island. The cottage and sauna is owned by the city of Kokkola and they are meant for recreational usage. I don't know if wilderness is correct word for this cottage, because it's located close to the city, "wilderness hut" is more suitable word for the huts in the Lapland. 


We were sleeping quite late this morning and waiting for the better weather. It was raining during the night and the morning when low pressure area was passing by. Therefore we started after 12 AM on a nice tailwind (4-6 m/s from SW). There were many route options to choose for this day and we selected the most straightforward and shortest one.


The first part in the morning was nice through the maze of islands between Pietarsaari and Kokkola. The afternoon stretch was again crossings between islands and we arrived to Poroluoto about 8 PM. Paddling was easy today and it would have been possible to continue, but the camping places are few from now on. So we decided to stay overnight here and enjoy sauna on a second evening in a row. What a luxury!

Tietoja reitistä

Sijainti Mässkär, Pietarsaari - Poroluoto, Kälviä
Laji Melonta
Reitin pituus 45,99 km   ( 45986 m )
Kokonaisaika 16:05:22
Keskinopeus 3 km/h
Syke Max: - Avg: -
Reittiä katsottu 4130 kertaa

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