27. day 49 km (in total 1156 km)
23.7.2011 22.27.58

Paddling continued and we had all the day headwind 4-5 m/s from NE. First leg from Raahe to Tauvo was about 3 hours, after which we landed on the beach near Tauvo lighthouse. Day was sunny, but windy. We continued and passed Siikajoki delta, which was extremely shallow area and reached windmills at Varessäikkä.

We tried to continue towards Oulu, but had to return back to Varessäikkä due to shallow waters. It was practically impossible to paddle. We need to do crossing to Hailuoto tomorrow to continue towards north and Tornio. 

Tietoja reitistä

Sijainti Raahe, Raahe - Varessäikkä, Siikajoki
Laji Melonta
Reitin pituus 48,64 km   ( 48639 m )
Kokonaisaika 12:46:04
Keskinopeus 4 km/h
Syke Max: - Avg: -
Reittiä katsottu 4192 kertaa

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