21. day 53 km (in total 911 km)
17.7.2011 20.12.07

This was the day of lighthouses, daymarks and long crossings on open sea. It all started at 15 km crossing from last night's camping place, Korsören to lighthouse island Ritgrund. Fortunately weather was fine, sunny and no wind. It took 2,5 hours to reach lighthouse.


We had 1 hour break at Ritgrund after which we had another 15 km crossing onto a Mikkelinsaaret, which is part of Kvarken archipelago, the world heritage. So after 5 hours paddling we had a lunch at Mikkelinsaaret. On the northern point of islands there are old coast guard station, which is nowadays in recreational usage. There are cafeteria, sauna, etc.. on the area. We decided to eat in the cafe and had delicious elk-lamb pot with local bread.


2 hours went fast and it was hot, when sun was shining and there were no wind. Finally we decided to continue and next we had 20 km crossing to the Stubben lighthouse and daymark, which are located on islands next to each other. All in all it took 8,5 hours paddling and 53 km, when we finally arrived to beautifully sand beach on the island having Stubben daymark as well. You bet we were hungry after such long paddling day. Tomorrow we are heading towards Pietarsaari...

Tietoja reitistä

Sijainti Korsören, Mustasaari - Storskäret, Uusikaarlepyy
Laji Melonta
Reitin pituus 52,50 km   ( 52499 m )
Kokonaisaika 12:53:47
Keskinopeus 4 km/h
Syke Max: - Avg: -
Reittiä katsottu 4583 kertaa

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