22. day 35 km (in total 946 km)
18.7.2011 17.11.28

During the night wind was turning to blow from SE and I woke up many times to check if the water on the shore would still be lower than our tent on the beach. Fortunately water level didn't raise up to tent and we started against the wind this paddling day.


There were still one longer crossing towards mainland, which went well despite of increased wind speed. On the way towards Pietarsaari we visited Hällgrund daymark, where we had lunch after 3 hour paddling. Delicious pasta :)


Paddling felt quite tedious today and finally we arrived to second daymark island of today : Mässkär. We decided to stay here overnight and had the possibility to have sauna and wash ourselves, absolutely great feeling to have sauna within 1 week. It was a superb surprise when we ordered supper at local cafe. The chef had prepared meal from fresh trouts, which was the best a'la carte dish I have had during this paddling trip. Just amazing meal! I recommend everybody to have lunch/supper at Mässkär.

Tietoja reitistä

Sijainti Storskäret, Uusikaarlepyy - Mässkär, Pietarsaari
Laji Melonta
Reitin pituus 34,61 km   ( 34610 m )
Kokonaisaika 08:18:56
Keskinopeus 4 km/h
Syke Max: - Avg: -
Reittiä katsottu 4381 kertaa

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